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FAB - Family Assets Bureau

FAB Portfolio Management (Bahamas) Ltd

Based in The Bahamas provides, amongst its range of services, a dedicated Family Office service. FAB Family Assets Bureau is aimed at rationalising the management of considerable estates for a narrow elite of clients.

Our Service

Our service has been designed to guarantee the accumulation, preservation and constant monitoring of pre-eminent assets using proprietary technological platforms developed through considerable investments in research and development.

Family Assets Bureau

FAB - Family Assets Bureau does not manage assets, does not solicit any kind of investment or product and every decision remains entirely with the client and his/her advisors.

Our Client

  • > Belongs to a family with a relevant social position, with a considerable and complex wealth;
  • > Wants to manage and ensure, over time, the destination of assets and related cash flows to defined beneficiaries (shareholders, family members, foundations etc.);
  • > Is the leader of a family with a multi-generational perspective that requires clear and efficient governance rules in order to guarantee the accomplishment and continuity of the chosen strategies.

Our Inspiring Principles

  • > Absolute sharing of objectives with the client: the organisational structure and the values aim exclusively at pursuing the client's objectives, also through the elimination of any possible conflict of interest.
  • > Analytical rigour to support decision making: the service consists in a decision support suite based on quantitative analyses.
  • > Full decisional autonomy granted to the client and his/her advisors.
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